While any Pennsylvania employee could suffer a work injury, there are some positions that have more of a risk for serious injuries than others.

The Professions With The Most Job Injuries

Some of the jobs with the most work injuries include:

  • Nurses or health care workers, who face serious risk from illness exposure, overexertion, or severe falls.
  • Police officers, who face serious danger, including wounds from vehicle accidents or chasing suspects.
  • Firefighters, who risk severe burns and respiratory conditions from their line of work.
  • Construction workers, who deal with dangerous work sites and falling objects.
  • Electricians and roofers, who are often in danger of a serious fall or electrocution.
  • Industrial workers, who could suffer exposure to dangerous chemicals, sustain an injury from a piece of equipment, or suffer from a serious fall.

Other serious workplace accidents in these professions could lead to injuries such as:

  • Severe head and brain injuries, such as TBIs
  • Serious illnesses, such as cancer or heart disease
  • Broken bones or strained muscles
  • Dog or animal bites
  • Neck, back, and spinal cord injuries

Danger Does Not Affect Your Benefits

The high risk involved in your profession does not negatively impact your right to receive workers’ compensation benefits. We will help you get the full compensation you deserve.

The team of experienced attorneys at the Quatrini Law Group can guide you through every step of your claim. We have helped families around the greater Greensburg area and Western Pennsylvania to recover benefits since 1985, so they can focus on a smooth recovery. We provide you with extensive care and individualized resources to meet your needs.

Injured On The Job? Contact Us Today.

We are ready to help you. Contact one of our hour Western PA offices as soon as possible after a work injury to meet with one of our lawyers so you can obtain your full workers’ comp benefits. You can send us an email or call 877-495-6549 to schedule your free consultation.