The insurance company representatives may try to get you to say that you were speeding “just a little,” or that you “may not have signaled your lane change.” Don’t concede anything until you have spoken with an attorney.

Trust us when we tell you — insurance companies don’t have your best interests at heart.

At Quatrini Law Group in Greensburg, we represent families who have lost loved ones due to fatal bike crashes and individuals who have suffered serious and catastrophic injuries themselves in motorcycle incidents.

Motorcycle Wrecks Lead To Serious Injuries

Motorcycle accidents, because of their very nature, produce some of the most serious injuries we see. In other motor vehicle accidents, a certain amount of protection is afforded to the vehicle’s occupants by the car or truck itself — not so with bikes.

These injuries may include traumatic brain damage, spinal cord and nervous system damage, amputations, paralysis, and severe damage to internal organs. Catastrophic consequences like these can have debilitating effects that last for a lifetime, and the compensation you are awarded ought to reflect that.

All Fees Are On A Contingent Basis. We Advance All Costs. If We Don’t Win, You Pay Nothing.

If you or someone you love has suffered a head injury or another serious injury as the result of someone else’s negligence involving a motorcycle accident, our attorneys have the skill and experience you need to recover from your losses. To speak with a professional Pennsylvania motorcycle crash lawyer, contact the law offices of Quatrini Law Group to discuss your situation.

Case Examples

A 37-year-old man from Latrobe, Pennsylvania, suffered serious lacerations of his leg and crush injuries of his left foot in a motorcycle accident on State Route 982 near Kecksburg. A truck owned by a construction company was coming around the curve when an unsecured 55-gallon drum filled with liquid flew off of the back of the truck, striking our client’s motorcycle and impacting his foot. The motorcyclist was thrown from his bike onto the road and life-flighted to a Pittsburgh hospital for surgical treatment of several comminuted metatarsal fractures and metatarsophalangeal joint dislocations, also known as a Lisfranc fracture/dislocation. Part of the treatment involved K-wire fixation of the fractured bones. Our client’s prognosis included arthritic changes and probable future fusion of his midfoot. A lawsuit was filed in Westmoreland County and a substantial settlement was reached before trial began.

Our client was traveling on State Route 217 near Blairsville, Pennsylvania, on a motorcycle when a vehicle pulled out onto the road directly into his lane of travel. On impact, our client was ejected from his bike. His injuries included head, neck, and back injuries, as well as a fracture of the right fibula, a displaced fracture of the left medial malleolus, a significantly comminuted fracture of his left great toe, and multiple other injuries. Repair of these injuries included percutaneous pinning and placement of hardware to aid healing. This hardware had to be surgically removed several months after the accident. The personal injury attorneys at Quatrini Law Group obtained the maximum limits of bodily injury liability insurance as well as underinsured motorist benefits.