How Limited Tort & Full Tort Insurance Work
May 25, 2021
Video Transcript
Richard Galloway – Welcome to Quatrini Rafferty! I’m Dick Galloway.
Jeff Monzo – I’m Jeff Monzo.
Richard – You know, in Pennsylvania when you buy insurance, you’re forced to make a pick. You either pick Limited Tort or Full Tout. We always tell people Limited Tort is a very poor choice, but it limits your ability to make a claim unless you’re killed or have a serious bodily injury. Otherwise, the bad guy doesn’t have to pay you. Jeff, let’s just assume somebody comes into your office and they’re Limited Tort, they’ve been rear-ended, and they tell you “not only is that bad enough, but the guy who hit me is from West Virginia. The car was from West Virginia,” what would you tell them?
Jeff – Well, the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code does make exceptions, even though you have Limited Tort, that you can recover for pain and suffering even if you don’t have a serious bodily injury and those exceptions include if you are injured by an out-of-state car. In other words, if the car that was in the accident with you was registered out of state in your situation, West Virginia, you can be treated under the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code as if you had Full Tort and be able to recover for your pain and suffering. And that’s not the only exception. There’s other exceptions, such as if you’re injured by a drunk driver and you have Limited Tort, you can recover for your pain and suffering. So, even if you have Limited Tort, and as we’ve said before we hope you have Full Tort, but even if you have Limited Tort, come talk to the Personal Injury lawyers here at QuatriniRafferty and we can review your situation and give you assistance in a Personal Injury claim such as that.