Auto Insurance and Property Damage
September 25, 2018
Video Transcript
Welcome to QuatriniRafferty’s Legal Tip Tuesday. Today I’d like to talk a little bit about your auto insurance and specifically the property damage portion of your insurance. So, a couple questions: what kind of coverage must you carry in Pennsylvania? Only $5000 of property damage coverage is required. What does that cover? Is the next question that people usually ask. And that’s damage to another vehicle that you might be responsible for damaging, or other property.
If you run off the road into a mailbox or a light post or something like that. So, if you think about it $5000 is not going to cover a lot of damage and you can be held personally responsible if you’re at fault for damaging someone’s property. So, the legal tip for this Tuesday is check your auto insurance policy. You want to have more than $5000 worth of coverage and you want to make sure that you know about this before something happens to protect yourself in the future.