Vincent J. Quatrini, Jr. Appointed to Join Pennsylvania Attorney General-elect Josh Shapiro’s Personnel & Planning Task Force

Vincent J. Quatrini, Jr., founding partner of Quatrinini Rafferty law firm, has been appointed to serve on Pennsylvania Attorney General-elect Josh Shapiro’s Personnel and Planning Task Force. Mr. Quatrini will serve alongside 18 other distinguished Pennsylvania leaders to identify and interview prospective candidates for high-level positions in Shapiro’s new administration. The team will work diligently…


National Adoption Day

In 1976, Massachusetts was the first states to declare a special week to recognize adoptions and the number of states declaring a special day increased until National Adoption Month was recognized in 1990. Our local Westmoreland County Commissioners proclaimed November 20, 2015, as National Adoption Day in Westmoreland County. While many areas of the law…


Attorney Michael Quatrini Interviewed by WTAE on Obtaining Veterans Administration Benefits for Agent Orange Exposure

Did you see Michael Quatrini on WTAE last night? MQ was interviewed regarding the difficult process of obtaining Veterans Disability Compensation benefits for Agent Orange exposure. Thank you to WTAE investigative reporter Bofta Yimam for shedding light onto the struggle that veterans’ and their widows’ face with the Veterans Administration.   VIDEO: Watch Bofta Yimam’s…


Lifestyle Medicine Conference

Dr. Safdar Chaudhary of S’eclairer is hosting a Lifestyle Medicine Conference. The conference will be held on May 1st at Chestnut Ridge Inn on the Green in Blairsville. Attorneys Vincent Quatrini, Michael Quatrini, and Brian Bronson are among the featured speakers. Vince, Michael, and Brian are discussing the issues that confront individuals with physical or…


PSBA Spring Legal Roundup

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) recently presented its Spring Legal Roundup in Greensburg, PA, and Attorney Joyce Novotny-Prettiman, who is an associate at QuatriniRafferty, was a co-presenter again in 2015. This continuing legal education seminar is presented yearly in an effort to keep local educators up to date on recent legal developments in the…
