Smiling attorney in red tie.

Michael Quatrini a panelist for PBA’s WC Bench and Bar Conference

The PBI Workers’ Compensation Bench Bar Committee’s Shares Their Best Practices Recommendations on April 3, 2025 with a live webcast. Our own Michael Quatrini joins a distinguished panel of workers’ compensation judges and attorneys who discuss ways to improve practice before the Court, offer practical solutions to common problems, and share strategies for side-stepping ethical…

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group of attorneys in a courtroom

WCB presentation of new members

The court en banc recognized the newest members of the WBA at the annual New Members Ceremony on Wednesday, March 26 in Ceremonial Courtroom No. 3 at the Westmoreland County Courthouse. Quatrini Law Group Founding Partner, Vince Quatrini, and Managing Partner, Michael Quatrini made remarks. Our attorneys Sam Cordes and Casey Seaman were welcomed.

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Mediation is one option for resolving disputes that is often overlooked by the parties.  Maybe someone has an automobile accident that only involves damage to their vehicle.  Maybe they also sustained injuries.  Sometimes employers and employees have disagreements about certain working conditions.  Neighbors may be disputing the exact location of the property line between them. …

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New Veterans’ Conditions and Claims approved in the 2022 PACT Act

With the passage of the Honoring our PACT Act in August 2022, Veterans Affairs has added new presumptive conditions which qualify individuals for Disability Compensation and will allow both service members and civilians harmed by exposure to Camp Lejeune water contamination to seek compensation.   Camp Lejeune With the passage of the Camp Lejeune Justice…

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