Sam Cordes represents terminated WQED employee in Age Discrimination Case
Trib Live reported that Quatrini Law Group Employment Law attorney Sam Cordes is representing a long-time employee of WQED who was terminated in an age discrimination case.
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Trib Live reported that Quatrini Law Group Employment Law attorney Sam Cordes is representing a long-time employee of WQED who was terminated in an age discrimination case.
By Michael V. Quatrini, Esquire The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has determined that certain cancers will be assumed to have a service-related connection for Gulf War and Post-9/11 veterans. This lowers the burden of proof for veterans to receive benefits and gives them access to free health care for their condition. The list of…
PTSD and the Law: Workers’ Compensation, Veterans and Other Applications Forensic Fridays Friday, January 31 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Duquesne Union 119 and by Zoom Whether due to a car accident, combat experience, childhood abuse or any number of other psychologically injurious events, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a very real and pervasive problem in…
For the Win Friday In a recent case, not only was our Penalty Petition granted and attorney’s fees ordered, but a HUGE compliment was paid to James Horchak for his penalties calculations. Judge Gallishen noted “that in my years as a WCJ and while in practice, mostly doing defense work, I am well acquainted with…
By Peter J. Gough, Esquire The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recognizes that high-risk workers deserve added protections because they are more likely to be injured on the job due to the inherent dangers they face. The PA Heart and Lung Act covers police, firefighters, and specified enforcement officers (including corrections employees, sheriffs, and deputy sheriffs), who…
By Vincent J. Quatrini, Esquire The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act has been amended by Act 121 to recognize mental-mental injuries/post-traumatic stress injuries (PTSI) for first responders. The new law takes effect in one year – October 29, 2025. Up to the passage of Act 121, Pennsylvania Courts have held that a first responder must prove…