COVID – 19 continues to change rapidly. Please check back here, periodically. We will do our best to keep you in the loop with our QR game plan.
FIRST and foremost. We are open for business – remotely. We put a crisis plan in place along time ago. We are prepared for this emergency. We know that you count on us. Our staff and attorneys have the tools/technology to work remotely. Our phone will be answered during regular business hours – just like always.
Please call the main line – 724-837-0080. (If you call an extension, you will need to hit zero (0) to redirect you to the 724-837-0080 number.) After regular business hours, you can still call 724-837-0080 for emergencies or to leave a message.
SECOND, for clients who have a telephone hearing scheduled, we will be in touch to tell you what will occur. Do not be surprised if the hearing gets cancelled last minute. If you need to sign documents, we are working on a way to have you do it electronically and remotely.
THIRD, if you are receiving a check from an insurance company (or your employer), expect that there may be glitches in regular delivery. Also, some carriers are planning to prepay benefits. For instance, you may get one check that will pay you for the next six weeks. If so, please, please, please budget the money prudently so that you do not get behind later.
FOURTH: If you know of someone who has been laid off or cannot go to work because a pre-existing medical condition will put them at greater risk, have them call us, so we can advise them on a course of action.
FIFTH: If your landlord or your mortgage holder is allowing you to postpone a payment, again, please remember that you may have to catch up later. Do your best to budget for that time.
SIXTH: Please consider volunteering or making a financial contribution to a charity around you – your food bank – your homeless shelters – assisting people who are elderly and trying to stay in their home. This uncertain time can be – should be – an opportunity for us to renew bonds with neighbors, family, friends, who are struggling.
SEVENTH: Please practice safe hygiene – safe social distancing – 24/7. Insist that everyone around you do the same. This is a pandemic. And, it is going to get worse before it gets better.