The Pennsylvania Bar Institute, the continuing education arm of the prestigious Pennsylvania Bar Association, publishes biennial texts meant to inform and educate Pennsylvanian attorneys in specified practice areas. To be asked to co-author one of these books is an incredible honor, as it implies that the author is an exceptionally knowledgeable and well-versed contributor of the law.
QR is very proud to boast that once again our attorneys literally “wrote the book” on Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability in PA!
Vince Quatrini, 15 time co-author of the Pennsylvania “Workers’ Compensation Practice and Procedure” books, completed the 2018 edition and joined the PBI for a statewide seminar series to his fellow WC attorneys. Vince presented in Camp Hill, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh throughout the month of May.
Similarly, Michael Quatrini, 3 time co-author of “Advanced Issues in Social Security Disability” and “Social Security Disability: the Basics” presented in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Mechanicsburg.
Congratulations to Vince and Michael for another job well done! We are thrilled to have these legal thought leaders as invaluable resources to our firm, and to YOU, our client!