QR is proud to announce that Attorney Joyce Novotny-Prettiman was elected to serve as vice president of the Westmoreland Bar Association (WBA)! Joyce previously held a director’s position on the WBA Board of Directors. After being elected vice president, she is in line to become president of our county’s Bar Association. Joyce has been involved in many WBA activities and participates in several committees including the alternative dispute resolution, civil litigation, lawyers assistance (chairperson), membership and planning committees. She participates in “Law Day” which is a program designed to have lawyers visit our local schools to carry a law-related message to classrooms.
The Westmoreland Bar Association is a 500+ member organization comprised of lawyers practicing or living in Westmoreland County. The Association provides many services to the community and its members including supporting the Pro Bono Program and the Lawyer Referral Service, offering continuing legal education, and circulating information important to those practicing law and interested in legal issues. The Board oversees the general activities and business of the WBA.
Joyce isn’t the first QR attorney to serve on the Westmoreland Bar Association Board.Vince Quatrini and David DeRose are both past presidents of the Association.